Academic Articles
Empowering Women through Multifaceted Interventions: Long-term Evidence from a Double Matching Design. February, 2024. Journal of Population Economics, 37, Article 10. Online Appendix. Get a free copy here.
Natural Resource Windfalls and Efficiency of Local Government Expenditures: Evidence from Peru. With Martin Ardanaz .March, 2023. Economics and Politics, 35(1), pages 28-64. Get a free copy here.
Motivating Bureaucrats with Behavioral Insights when State Capacity is Weak: Evidence from Large-Scale Field Experiments in Peru. With Andrew Dustan and Juan Manuel Hernandez-Agramonte . January, 2023. Online Appendix. Journal of Development Economics. Get a free copy here.
The Value of Redistribution: Natural Resources and the Formation of Human Capital under Weak Institutions. With Jorge Aguero , Carlos Felipe Balcazar, and Hugo Ñopo. Journal of Development Economics , January 2021, 102581. Get a free copy here.
From a Curse to a Blessing? Institutional Reforms and Resource Booms in Colombia. With Jorge Gallego and Lorena Trujillo . Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 178, October 2020, pages 174-193. Get a free copy here.
Book Chapters
Government Policy and Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Peru. January, 2014. Published in Jody Heymann, Micheal Stein, and Gonzalo Moreno (editors), Disability and Equity at Work. Oxford University Press.
Work and Disability in Peru: Labor Market, Public Policies and Social Inclusion. (In Spanish). Congress of Peru Editions and United Nations Development Program. Lima, 2006. 254 pages.